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Thursday, November 14, 2013

Illustration Friday _ Energy

The Illustration Friday this week is "energy"
It led me on a bit of a journey this week. I was going to do someone lifting weights or in some way exerting lots of energy. Then, in thinking about that, I started thinking about when i offered to carry my little daughters school bag and found it ridiculously heavy ....  then I started thinking about children having to carry such  a weight on their back.
All of that morphed into this picture and  this little boy is now devoid of energy after carry a heavy weight, whether that be the one on his back or a deeper one we cant see. Maybe he has to channel his energy into studying for an exam... What do you think
Anyway,hope brighter days are ahead for him.
I know this weeks word took a lot of energy to bring to fruition for me.... :)

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Thanks for visiting. Have a nice day!