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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Illustration Friday Vocal

All the single ladies all the single ladies.....

The vocals in our house are coming from our 6 year old Chipmunk ( Chipettes in particular) fan. There are a few favourites, like "firework", "SOS", "Party 'rockets' in the house tonight"
She even loves to draw them, thats them on TV!


  1. I can almost hear the music from this happy character! Fun!

  2. she draws on the telly? ;) Love the lace dress! :D

  3. Oh yeah, completely understand; Loved dem Chipmunks when I was a kid. And I'm talking about that first Christmas album, a billion years ago. I even worked on the Chipmunks cartoon series in '89. I like Chippete's drawing!

    1. I read her your message Ted and she was very proud that you liked her drawing and extremely impressed by your connection to the chipmunks. :-) Thanks for your reply

  4. Thanks everyone :-) and I must say no, not on the TV Nancy, :-) she already likes it too much to even dream of doing something that might stop her being able to watch it... :-P


Thanks for visiting. Have a nice day!