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Monday, August 15, 2011

Illustration Friday - swell

When Theodore set out the weather prediction was for sunshine and smooth sailing, but when he hit the open water, things began to change. The swell had picked up and it was becoming quite choppy. Grey clouds rolled in.


  1. Thats gorgeous Janet!! I really love it! Would make really cute greeting cards!

  2. Love this piece and it's little story. Great interpretation of the word.

  3. I do hope poor Theo can say "Land-Ho!" soon...

  4. Can't wait to hear what happens next! Let's hope the swell doesn't swallow him up! Wonderful little illo!!

  5. very sweet illo indeed - you captured the mood of the story very well!... which i love!

  6. A sweet illustration, beautiful colours. Hope he makes it home OK

  7. That's me.. Theodore! And hey, that's my life.. choppy seas! Well, I create a lot of my oceans, I'm afraid.

    Neat painting!

  8. Sooo cute!
    It amazes me how you've managed to capture the fear and worry in poor little Theodore with the placement of his eyes - fantastic.

  9. I hope Theodore makes it through the choppy seas! He's fantastic..and the image tells a story..lovely work!

  10. Ah, real nice piece of work. (Love teddies, i admit.)

  11. Ahhh thank you, such lovely comments, they help make my day complete!
    I can inform you that Theodore did make it home safe and sound and is having a nice hot chicken soup at his mums house! She has also promised him strawberries, jelly and ice cream after so he is feeling quite spoilt!


Thanks for visiting. Have a nice day!